How to Clear your Energy

How to Clear your Energy

Have you often felt so tired and drained and are not sure why? Perhaps you energy needs to be cleared. If we are all mixed up inside, how can you possible know what you want or what you want to attract?


Everyone has negative energy that builds up or memories that are formed. Most of our emotions come from memories and not the actual situations we are in. It is fair to say we overreact and let people affect us more than really we should. A way to fix this is to clear your energy or get rid of these memories or programs that are in our heads.


Know that one way of the many ways to clear you energy can be spiritual response therapy. This way clears all the souls that are attached to your energy. If you believe in past lives, you may be surrounded by spirits that have unfinished business with you. For me, I felt this by having a huge pressure on my chest all the time. Once I received the SRT clearing, this pressure on my chest was released. It's a great way to start clean, to have your own energy. If you are getting an SRT, usually it's $100 to $150 and you get a CD of your session mailed to you.


Be aware that another method is emotional freedom technique. There is a free guide you can download to learn this method. Basically it's a form of tapping energy spots on your body while concentrating on the problem. EFT has claimed to reduce fears, and help war vets get over Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I've used it a few times and it does help, sometimes you have to repeat it a few times, but it helps clear your fears and make you feel better.


Remeber that the best by far is called Ho'oponopono. I'm still new at it but basically it claims that you are 100% responsible for everything. Everyone, every problem in your life. Ways of making things better include accepting responsibility and than repeating, "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you." If you repeat this over and over, it helps clear the problem and allows great things to happen.


Whatever way you choose, remember the more clear you are, the easier it'll be to know what you want and to attract it.

How to clear spots the old styleway

How to clear spots the old styleway

maybe you have an interview the next day and develope a spot on your face well here is an old English way of clearing it up drasticley reducing its redness

Things You'll Need:

two soluable aspirin and water


Add two soluable aspirin into a small amount of water,once it as turned into a paste it can be applied


Leave it to dry completley once it is dry add a small amount of water and then leave it to dry again.


For a real benifit leave it on over night and by morning there should be a great improvement.

Tips & Warnings

This also can help when you have been bitten or stung apply as per spot.Here in England especially where i live (out in the country ) many people swear how well this works.

Dont rely on it if you have important interview as i dont want you hunting me down if you dont get the job,also i dont know whether being sensitive to aspirin so make sure it is of no problem to you.

How to Clear Acne Using Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Clear Acne Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, the product of pulverized fermented apples, has long been used as a treatment for acne. When applied topically, the acetic and alpha-hydroxy acids in apple cider vinegar attack bacteria and help dry out blemishes. It’s believed that apple cider vinegar helps detoxify the body when taken internally, therefore promoting clear skin. Although this has never been proven scientifically, it’s been used as an effective detoxifying remedy for thousands of years.

Things You'll Need:

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar

Distilled or spring water

Bentonite clay

Green tea bags

Honey, if desired


Dilute 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1/3 cup water. Soak cotton ball with mixture and apply directly to blemishes.It's best to do this each night, before bed, as apple cider vinegar doesn't smell pleasant. Wash your face in the morning.


Make an apple cider vinegar and bentonite or green clay treatment mask. Mix 1 part green clay with 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. Add water until the clay becomes a thick paste. Apply the mask to your face and leave on 15 to 20 minutes, or until the mask dries on the face. Rinse off with cold water. Bentonite clay draws toxins from your pores. When mixed with apple cider vinegar, it becomes a potent acne remedy. Use the mask once a week.


Combine the toning power of green tea with the deep cleansing properties of apple cider vinegar. To make this powerful infusion, pour 1 cup boiling water over a green tea bag. Let tea steep for 15 minutes. After it cools, mix the green tea with 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/3 cup distilled water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply directly to acne.


Mix 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar with a glass of water. Drink as a daily health tonic. Add honey, stevia or agave to sweeten.

Tips & Warnings

Use raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. It's best for you.

After using apple cider vinegar, dab tea tree oil on acne. Tea tree oil works wonders for healing skin.

Apple cider vinegar can irritate skin when applied at full strength. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the vinegar with more water before applying it to skin.

If you are allergic to apples, do not use.

Don't use in combination with other acne medications. This can cause complications and overdrying of the skin.

How to Clean Your Colon

How to Clean Your Colon

There is more than one way to get gunk out of your trunk. Colon cleansing may specifically refer to removing toxins from your gastro-intestinal tract but there are several processes that mean 'colon cleansing'. You can take pills, teas, shakes, or go on a diet. You could also have an enema to help you expel unwanted stuff in your colon. Whatever process or product you may decide on, general rules and principles of colon cleaning remain the same.


Learn what kind of food you can and cannot eat. Basically, you have to stay away from fatty foods and eat a lot of fiber. Fruits and vegetables are the best things you can eat as they help flush away toxins.


Establish and exercise regimen. Your body should be healthy both inside and out. As you go through a colon cleanse, diet and exercise become important in getting fit and healthy.


Follow the instructions of your chosen colon cleaning method. If your using a colon cleaning product, follow instructions to every letter. If you're going on a natural method, ie detoxification diet, do not sway from rules or substitute food.

Tips & Warnings

Take probiotics while colon cleansing. This will help keep good bacteria in your body. A colon cleanse strips your gastrointestinal tract of every kind of bacteria; both the ones that you do and do not need.

After completing the week of colon cleaning, maintain a healthy diet. You should also exercise regularly.

Results of a colon cleanse may not be immediately seen. Give it a few weeks and you'll notice a difference.

How to Clean Up After Galvanic Therapy

How to Clean Up After Galvanic Therapy

Galvanic therapy treats everything from wrinkles and lines to muscle sprains and strains. Galvanic therapy is the use of negatively charged ions to stimulate the human body to repair itself. Galvanic therapy units are available to the public, and treatments are available at many spas. Cleaning the unit kills bacteria and removes debris and dust. Read on to learn how to clean up after galvanic therapy.

Things You'll Need:

Galvanic therapy unit



Rubbing alcohol

Spray bottle or container



Wash your hands and put on gloves before you begin to clean the galvanic therapy unit. The gloves protect the unit from any body oils or liquids on your hands.


Mix the alcohol solution. The alcohol solution used to clean the galvanic therapy unit is 70 percent rubbing alcohol. This means the solution is seven parts alcohol and three parts water. An easy way to mix this is 7 cups rubbing alcohol and 3 cups water.


Pour the solution into a spray bottle or container. The recipe makes more solution than you'll need for a single cleaning. At the end of the cleaning, save the remainder of the solution for later.


Spray or pour the alcohol solution onto a towel. Do not spray or pour the solution on the unit itself.


Rub the unit down with the towel. Pay close attention to the display and metal back plate. Remove the conductor from the top. Thoroughly clean the probe and the conductor.


Store the galvanic therapy unit in a zip-up bag or a plastic bag that closes. This cuts down on the amount of bacteria and debris the unit is exposed to.

Tips & Warnings

Clean the galvanic therapy unit after every use.