How to Clean Your Colon

How to Clean Your Colon

There is more than one way to get gunk out of your trunk. Colon cleansing may specifically refer to removing toxins from your gastro-intestinal tract but there are several processes that mean 'colon cleansing'. You can take pills, teas, shakes, or go on a diet. You could also have an enema to help you expel unwanted stuff in your colon. Whatever process or product you may decide on, general rules and principles of colon cleaning remain the same.


Learn what kind of food you can and cannot eat. Basically, you have to stay away from fatty foods and eat a lot of fiber. Fruits and vegetables are the best things you can eat as they help flush away toxins.


Establish and exercise regimen. Your body should be healthy both inside and out. As you go through a colon cleanse, diet and exercise become important in getting fit and healthy.


Follow the instructions of your chosen colon cleaning method. If your using a colon cleaning product, follow instructions to every letter. If you're going on a natural method, ie detoxification diet, do not sway from rules or substitute food.

Tips & Warnings

Take probiotics while colon cleansing. This will help keep good bacteria in your body. A colon cleanse strips your gastrointestinal tract of every kind of bacteria; both the ones that you do and do not need.

After completing the week of colon cleaning, maintain a healthy diet. You should also exercise regularly.

Results of a colon cleanse may not be immediately seen. Give it a few weeks and you'll notice a difference.