How to clear spots the old styleway

How to clear spots the old styleway

maybe you have an interview the next day and develope a spot on your face well here is an old English way of clearing it up drasticley reducing its redness

Things You'll Need:

two soluable aspirin and water


Add two soluable aspirin into a small amount of water,once it as turned into a paste it can be applied


Leave it to dry completley once it is dry add a small amount of water and then leave it to dry again.


For a real benifit leave it on over night and by morning there should be a great improvement.

Tips & Warnings

This also can help when you have been bitten or stung apply as per spot.Here in England especially where i live (out in the country ) many people swear how well this works.

Dont rely on it if you have important interview as i dont want you hunting me down if you dont get the job,also i dont know whether being sensitive to aspirin so make sure it is of no problem to you.