How to Heal a Canker Sore

How to Heal a Canker Sore

In general canker sores heal in 7 to 10 days. Canker sores can prevent you being able to enjoy food or drinks, so healing them quickly will allow you to enjoy life again.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a holistic herbal store


Canker sores can have many different causes and knowing which one is most likely causing your canker sore will enable you to heal from it faster. Some causes are stress, hard or crunchy food, food allergies, allergies in general, dental work needing repair, end of menstrual cycle, taking antibiotics or too much acidity in your body.


Treatment is usually not necessary in most cases. Doctors say that canker sores will just go away on their own.


Prevent canker sores by implementing a wellness program. You can modify your lifestyle, make dietary changes and begin to use supplements to help with this.


Eat more yogurt containing live cultures (acidophilus) in it. Yogurt not only adds good bacteria to your mouth but also seems to stimulate the immune system.


Rinse your mouth with one of several folk remedies. Such as, aloe juice, antacids like Mylanta, grapefruit seed extract, hydrogen peroxide, plum juice, club soda with salt, tea tree oil and finally warm water with salt.


Apply remedies directly to the canker sore. This can also speed the process of healing. Use the preservative alum, baking soda, dimethyl sulfoxide, raw onion, papaya, fresh piece of a sorrel herb, or a tea bag.


See your doctor if your canker sore last more than 2 weeks. This is a sign of a more serious condition that needs to be addressed.

Tips & Warnings

Holistic food stores will carry herbal remedies already made and herbs you can mix to make your own remedy.

Do not eat hot or spicy foods while a canker sore is present.